Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Know The Role Of Sugar In Weight loss

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Sugar and weight loss are two concepts which are polar opposites in terms of living a healthy lifestyle. It is nonetheless an unfortunate fact that western society seems to be fuelled by this sweet substance. Processed sugar and its derivatives are found in countless foods and as a result, modern society is struggling with what can only be called an obesity epidemic.

Not only is it logical to appreciate how to avoid sugar, we need to dig a bit deeper in regard to its health risks as well as why this substance should represent only a tiny portion of our overall diet. These topics will be discussed immediately below.

How many calories are there in one gram of sugar?

The empty calories found within sugar do not provide your body with any type of necessary nutrients. However, did you also know that there are four calories in a gram of sugar? This signifies that a glass of caffeine-free soda may contain more than 44 calories. It suddenly becomes clear to see why losing weight can be a challenging prospect in this day and age.

Another topic to address involves white vs brown sugar. Many individuals feel that brown sugar is actually a healthier substitute. But, while this type does contain slightly more minerals, the fact of the matter is that both will cause you to gain weight. This leads us to the next important question.

What are the symptoms of too much sugar in a diet?

Another issue to address when discussing the topic of sugar and weight loss involves the ability to identify if your diet needs to be changed. There are several symptoms which could indicate that you need to reduce your sugar intake. Examples include:

  • Excessive acne
  • Feelings of lethargy after eating a large meal
  • Headaches
  • Bloating and indigestion
Symptoms of too much sugar

Main reasons to avoid sugar

Sugary foods to avoid if you are experiencing these scenarios include candy, soft drinks, ice cream, fast food (in general) and commercially produced cereals. When you’re eating less, it’s important to focus on eating more nutrient-dense foods so your body can get all the nutrients it needs, packed into fewer calories. Table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which is much sweeter than table sugar and found in virtually all processed foods, wreak havoc on your system.

Here are four good reasons to avoid sugar while you are working on achieving a healthy weight loss:

Zero nutrition

Sugary foods to avoid if you are experiencing these scenarios include candy, soft drinks, ice cream, fast food (in general) and commercially produced cereals. When you’re eating less, it’s important to focus on eating more nutrient-dense foods so your body can get all the nutrients it needs, packed into fewer calories. Table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which is much sweeter than table sugar and found in virtually all processed foods, wreak havoc on your system.

Here are four good reasons to avoid sugar while you are working on achieving a healthy weight loss:


Processed sugar is addictive. When you eat recreational sugar such as candy, cakes and cookies, your brain releases dopamine, also known as the pleasure hormone. That’s why so many people report that eating chocolate makes them feel good. Like with other physical addictions, we are driven to repeat the sugar buzz, to continue eating empty calories to the detriment of our health and our desire to lose weight.


Processed sugar is a factor in the development of diabetes. Eating too much processed sugar can contribute to the development of insulin resistance. When insulin stops doing its job of escorting sugar from the blood into the cells, you have a case of insulin resistance. Sugar builds up in the blood instead of entering the cells and, over a period of time, insulin resistance can lead to diabetes.


Processed sugar can cause you to overeat. Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain the stomach is full and it’s time to stop eating. Eating processed sugar contributes to leptin resistance. With leptin resistance, our bodies don’t understand the signals that leptin is sending. So we eat more than we need because we don’t get the message that we’re actually full.

Calories in a gram of sugar

Best health sugar substitutes

Sugar and weight loss are closely related, but the good news is that you can improve your health with sugar substitutes without sacrificing taste. For instance, be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits throughout the day. Here are some other alternatives to try:

  • Honey
  • Date paste
  • Coconut sugar
  • Agave nectar

It could also be prudent to perform a “diet audit” in order to determine just how much sugar you are consuming on a regular basis. The chances are high that you will be surprised with the results!

Eliminate sugar and weight gain from your life with Spatz

Eliminating processed sugar from your diet is one of the best ways to reduce your overall caloric intake. It therefore stands to reason that this is also an excellent approach if you are keen to lose excess weight. Note that excess calories can often be stored as belly fat or a more dangerous type known as visceral fat (fat located between the abdomen and your organs).

This is a rather subjective question and it will depend upon other factors such as your age, your physical lifestyle and your diet in general. However, several studies have found that eliminating sugar may help you to lose as much as one kilogramme (2.2 pounds) per week.

While losing weight is an obvious benefit of avoid sugar, we need to point out that lifestyle changes can cause you to give up other sugar health risks, including:

  • Cavities and gum disease
  • Inflammation
  • High blood pressure
  • Fatty liver disease

Not only can curtailing your intake of sugar reduce your body mass index, but it could likewise stave off potentially serious chronic health conditions.

It can be difficult to change habits that may have existed for years, but reducing the amount of sugar you consume will have profoundly positive effects upon your lifestyle, so it is clearly worth the effort.

Although the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon is one of the most effective weight loss systems for those who wish to limit their caloric intake, sugar can still present a problem if consumed in excess. This is why sugar and weight loss are subjects that are often addressed when consulting with personal trainers and nutritionists.

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