Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

How lack of energy affects weight loss?

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Causes of lack of energy

The lack of energy and weight loss relationship can be caused by a number of factors. Stress, packed schedules, not enough high-quality sleep, lack of movement and too many nutrient-poor foods in your diet can all contribute to feeling sleepy in the middle of the workday. Some effects are more obvious than others, so let’s look at some common culprits.

  • Mental Stress​: Mental stress can often lead to physical fatigue. This is sometimes referred to as “burnout” in the fitness sector.
  • Chronic Illness​: Those feeling lack of energy may likewise be suffering from some type of illness such as lupus or fibromyalgia.
  • Sugar chashes : Diets high in sugar are frequently associated with an extreme lack of energy; particularly during so-called sugar “crashes”. This is another reason why embracing a healthy diet is so important.
Feeling lack of energy

Consequences of lack of energy and motivation

A lack of energy means that you will likely find it more difficult to lose weight. Let’s take a look at some consequences of this scenario.

Low Energy and Fatigue

The most obvious result involves feelings of physical fatigue. This makes it much more difficult to perform healthy physical activities that may be required to lose weight.

Mental Effects

A lack of energy causes feelings of malaise and mental lethargy. This will obviously have an effect upon feelings of motivation. Once again, such scenarios can be difficult to remedy without making profound lifestyle changes.

Remedies for low energy

The good news is that there are plenty of low energy remedies if you hope to get back on the right track. Let us examine some highly effective nutritional strategies you can try to boost your energy which may also help you lose weight.

Food to increase energy and motivation

Consuming food to increase energy and motivation is a common approach. However, some substances are more effective than others. For instance, bananas are rich in potassium and will provide your body with a much-needed “kick”. Additional substances include blueberries and oranges. These fruits are even more potent if you wish to combat low energy in the morning.

You can also eat nutrient-dense foods. This means they have lots of vitamins and minerals per serving. Foods that are nutrient-dense tend to be whole, real foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and animal proteins that are not fatty.

Not surprisingly, simple carbs such as refined white bread and sweets have plenty of calories without much nutritional punch, so a jelly sandwich on white bread with a bag of chips for lunch is almost a guarantee of afternoon brain fog and sleepiness. Additionally, the more nutrients found in your food is the higher likelihood you have to drop some excess body weight.

Causes of lack energy

Combat low energy with Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy for the heart and they can also supply your body with an energy boost. Fatty fish such as salmon, herring and sardines can all be enjoyed. Cod liver oil and omega-3 supplements are viable alternatives.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids improve mood and memory. And they will certainly help your hair shine. Where can you get this magical food? Good sources include fish, flax seeds, flax oil, hemp seeds, hemp oil, chia seeds, leafy greens and walnuts. Chia seeds are very popular because they are basically tasteless and easy to add to many thick foods like soups and chili without impacting the taste.

Also, note that human bodies can’t extract nutrients from whole flax seeds, so you’ll need to grind them in a coffee grinder or food processor before consuming them. Like chia seeds, ground flax seeds are also easy to add to other foods without changing the texture or taste but ground flax goes rancid relatively quickly, so only grind what you’re going to use up within a few days.

Breakfast foods that give you energy

Breakfast foods that give you energy are always great ways to start your day. For example, why not prepare a plate of tasty sugar-free banana pancakes? You can also opt for whole-grain cereals combined with a bowl of fresh berries instead.

But stop thinking that it’s only breakfast if it’s traditional breakfast food. The point of breakfast is to get your metabolism going, and you can do that with leftovers from last night’s dinner just as easily as with a bowl of cereal. So think outside the breakfast box and make yourself a breakfast salad or have some leftover chicken and brown rice first thing in the morning.

Combat low energy

Best snacks for energy

Those looking for “energy to lose weight” usually want to look at what types of snacks to consume. Of course, avoid substances high in sugar and preservatives. Fruit is an excellent snack option (particularly watermelons and oranges). A bag of dried nuts or a meal replacement bar should likewise be considered if you wish to combat the lack of energy weight loss conundrum.

Skip the 100-calorie packs of anything and choose a piece of cheese, a handful of nuts, an apple with nut butter, or some baby carrots and hummus. Again, the more whole, nutrient-dense foods you eat, the better you’re at fueling your body for energy.

Healthy drinks that give you energy

Lack of proper hydration can contribute to fatigue. Try to have a goal of always having water at your side and drinking at least a cup every few hours.

There are plenty of energy drinks on the market. However, avoid those which contain high levels of caffeine; these might cause you to feel jittery. Protein shakes, isotonic beverages and drinks infused with ginseng can all be considered.

Energy supplements

Energy supplements are a final option to keep in mind. These can come in the form of a pill (such as guarana or kola nut), a ready-to-drink shake or an energy bar. Try to choose a supplement that offers a host of vitamins and minerals, as these will also help to provide your body with a much-needed “kick”.

Energy and lose weight

Combat fatigue and tiredness with an active lifestyle with spatz

The Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon will help to limit your caloric intake. As a result, you may feel slightly tired while your body adapts to its presence. This is why embracing the correct lifestyle and dietary habits is crucial.

Even minor changes can have a profound impact upon motivation and as a result, your ability to lose weight. We can now see that a lack of energy weight loss enjoys a hand-in-hand relationship. Appreciating the root causes is the best way to achieve your lofty (and yet entirely realistic) goals.

Besides being smart companions to your weight loss journey with a gastric balloon, these tips can all contribute to boosting your energy level during your busiest days. Try one at a time and see if you can tell it’s making a difference for you and your Spatz3 weight loss solution.

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