Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Does Salt Intake Affect Weight Loss?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

The relationship between salt and weight loss has been known for some time. This is why countless individuals have already learned to embrace a low sodium diet. There are still some important questions to answer in order to further clarify this topic. Is too much salt bad for you? And if so, what salt free foods should you consider? Are there specific substances to avoid? Let us address these and similar topics.

Is Salt Bad For You?

Believe it or not, it would be impossible to survive without sodium. This substance is associated with several vital functions including balancing electrolytes, ensuring that your cells are properly hydrated and enabling your neurons (nerve cells) to fire. So, is salt unhealthy? This depends upon how much you consume.

Recently, salt has become known as a nutritional enemy. Most people consume far more sodium than the recommended amount, with American’s averaging 3,400 mg of sodium intake per day. When trying to lose weight, most people don’t focus on salt as a potential inhibitor of significant weight loss; however, salt affects obesity in different ways.

What Are The Risks Of High Sodium Intake?

Adults should consume less than 6,000 milligrams of salt per day (this equates to roughly 2.4 grams of actual sodium). Unfortunately, many diets are associated with far higher levels. There are numerous risks which can be attributed to excessive sodium intake.

In the short term, consuming too much salt is not the worst thing in the world. You may experience some puffiness and bloating due to increased fluid intake, but nothing serious will occur.

Salt and weight loss

However, in the long run, eating too much salt can have drastic effects on your health. When we overuse salt in our diet, we force our heart to work harder in order to properly pump fluids throughout our entire body. As a result, you can damage your heart while causing high blood pressure. The increased blood pressure can lead to significant health issues such as heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

Not only will an excessive level of sodium lead to increased cardiac issues, but it is a known cause of strokes. Other negative effects include more painful symptoms of gout, headaches and food that lacks any real taste. These are some of the reasons why low sodium foods represent healthy alternatives.

The relationship between salt and weight loss

One interesting observation in regard to sodium and weight loss involves a portion of the brain known as the “appestat”. This is the region which controls sensations of both hunger and satiety. Foods containing high levels of salt trigger this region into fooling the body that more calories are required. Hence, we tend to eat a great deal even though we may have already consumed a sufficient number of calories.

Salt can actually increase the taste of the food you eat. While this may seem magical and harmless, oftentimes the added taste will lead to overeating, making it that much more difficult to drop excess body weight.

On the other hand, as we all know, when we consume salt we tend to get thirsty. While some of us drink water to quench our thirst, most people actually turn to sugary drinks. The addition of these excess sugary drinks as a result of high sodium intake makes it incredibly difficult to lose weight.

Lastly, there is research that points to salt creating more activity in your fat cells, which in turn makes them larger.

To put these observations into perspective, studies have shown that an increase of one gram of sodium per day augments the risk of obesity by up to 28 per cent. This is why adopting a no salt diet plan for weight loss is critical.

Is salt bad for you

Tips for switching to a low-salt diet

With an understanding of the possible harm of too much salt in your diet, it’s important to touch on a few tips and tricks for eliminating sodium from your diet:

  1. Try using fresh meat instead of packaged meat; there is far less sodium in fresh beef or chicken.
  2. Throw away the canned fruits and try some fresh fruits and vegetables!
  3. Start reading food labels – we don’t always focus on the content of what we eat.
  4. Experiment with spices that don’t have sodium – like using garlic powder instead of garlic salt!
  5. If you’re dining out, do some research on the sodium level of their meals, or just ask your server to have your dish made without salt!


What steps can you take if you hope to embrace a low-sodium lifestyle? Perhaps the most important takeaway point is to consume foods that are not laden with processed substances. Here are some foods known for their high content of preservatives and therefore, excessive levels of sodium:

  • Microwaveable dinners.
  • Processed meats.
  • Breakfast cereals high in sugar.
  • Margarine.
  • Artificially flavoured salad dressings.


Eliminating these substances can have a massive impact upon your overall health.

Himalayan pink salt for weight loss

Low Sodium Foods

The good news is that salt and weight loss does not necessarily have to represent a distasteful relationship. There are plenty of substitutes to consider. One interesting alternative involves Himalayan pink salt for weight loss, as this substance is rich in iodine and it can help to regulate your blood sugar (important in terms of cravings).

Foods High in Salt

In the same respect, it is wise to highlight some foods that are known for their extremely high sodium content. It is always best to avoid these examples:

  • Pasta sauces
  • Frozen pizza
  • Sausages
  • Ready-to-eat meals
  • Fast food
  • Chips


If possible, it is always better to search for their organic alternatives. The good news is that many grocery stores now offer healthier options. So, be sure to perform additional research to learn about the possibilities.

Controlling salt on the weight loss journey with Spatz3

The relationship between salt and weight loss should be extremely clear at this point. Unfortunately, we live within a society that has learned to embrace this tempting substance. If you have recently been fitted with a Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon, it is wise to begin changing your dietary habits. Low-sodium diets will provide noticeable results within a short period of time.

At Spatz Medical, we encourage the full commitment of our patients to reach their weight loss goals. In order to do so, it is important to focus on all the little things that can be making losing weight more difficult, like salt!

As always, our ultimate goal is to have you looking and feeling confident in your body long after the Spatz3 balloon is removed. By making the necessary adjustments in your lifestyle to compliment your weight loss procedure, you’ll be on your way to being your best self. With our unique adjustable gastric balloon and your dedication to a healthier lifestyle, you will be losing weight in no-time!

So, make it a point to break the salt and weight loss cycle by following the advice mentioned above.

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