Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

How Does Meal Timing Impact Weight Loss?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Were you aware that meal timing is just as important as a healthy diet if you hope to lose weight? Unfortunately, this fact is often overlooked. If you have been struggling to shed those excess kilos or it feels as if you are lacking energy throughout the day, the details outlined below will be quite useful. Let us examine why timing your meals is an excellent strategy before moving on to highlight some useful tips to keep in mind.

Meal Timing for Fat Loss: Adapting to Your Exercise Routine

Imagine for a moment that you have just eaten a large meal and as opposed to exercising, you choose to remain sedentary. What will happen to those excess calories? Those which are not burned will inevitably be stored as fat. This brings up the first major point. The ideal meal times for weight loss should be partially based around your daily routine.

For example, many individuals will consume a moderate meal before heading off to the gym. This provides the body with the fuel (protein and carbohydrates) that are required during a targeted training session. This is the very same reason why those who participate in marathons will often choose to “carbo load” before a competition.

Helping the Body to Recover: Post workout meal timing

Not only does food provide us with the raw materials needed to perform daily tasks, but these very same nutrients will help the body repair itself. So, post workout meal timing is just as important to mention. Most experts agree that meals high in protein and carbohydrates should be consumed approximately two hours after a training session.

Not only will these substances provide your muscles with the “building blocks” required to maintain lean body mass, but metabolising protein burns carbohydrates that might have otherwise been stored in the form of excess fat.

Meal time after training

What to Remember in Terms of Timing Between Meals

This next topic has been associated with a fair amount of conjecture over the years. How long should you wait between meals? Is there any “Goldilocks zone” to keep in mind? The issue here is that the length of time will largely depend on your level of physical activity as well as your metabolism. However, one guideline should be stressed.

Some individuals will wait until they are extremely hungry before consuming additional calories. The problem here is that they are likely to eat more than is required under such circumstances. Furthermore, eating extremely fast (sometimes known as “bolting” food) can lead to consequences such as cramping and indigestion. It is better to schedule meals at regular intervals so that you do not feel as if you are being starved of vital nutrients.

Why is it Better to Prepare Meals Ahead of Time?

A growing number of individuals are choosing to create their meals ahead of time. This is a powerful strategy if you are governed by a busy schedule or you are interested in counting calories. There are several additional reasons why such an approach can lead to surprisingly impressive results:

  • You are less likely to be tempted by fast food.
  • You can avoid mid-afternoon food cravings.
  • These meals can offer a balanced source of vitamins and minerals.
  • You will save a significant amount of money as opposed to eating out.

The best meals to prepare ahead of time should contain a lean source of protein, fruits, vegetables, and substances containing simple carbohydrates such as whole grains. Of course, feel free to experiment with different recipes.

Meal Timing for Weight Loss

The Importance of Timing in Terms of Weight Loss

Developing a regular meal itinerary is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your body obtains vital nutrients while avoiding weight gain. If you are currently using the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon, the principles mentioned above are even more relevant. The chances are high that you are already monitoring your caloric intake.

Although many of us lead rather hectic lives, there are still plenty of opportunities to monitor when we eat as well as what is consumed. Meal timing therefore represents a critical portion of any dietary plan and its importance should never be overlooked. A bit of discipline will certainly go a long way towards success!

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